This may have happened to you before as a marketer; you are in a room with several people and you are “figuring out the room”. From a safe distance, you silently observe a healthy debate taking place in front of …
During time of crisis the uncertainty shift views of what is really important to people, to what is happening at present. In 1918 pandemic there was a rise in the use of telephones so much so that there were not …
Innovation has changed marketing by making campaigns more personalized and immersive for individuals and making the ecosystem that are more coordinated and focused on for marketers. The interface between brands and individuals have been changed. Today consumers, particularly Millennials, want …
Consumer Behavior has completely changed in a current world where the word “New Normal” has taken place just after World Pandemic (Covid 19). The big change of consumer has given pressure to companies/industries, and it’s only those companies that have …
Unexpected circumstances that came with the covid-19 pandemic have caused havoc around the globe. Tanzania is no different. There has been a huge shift in consumer behavior. People are now depending much on online services, meetings, work, entertainment, shopping etc. …